


以 紙 為 名 ,我 們 書 寫 著




今年是樹火成立第21年,恰好遇上了同為21歲的博客來,透過虛擬網路通路賣書的博客來,卻無法想像一天沒有紙本的未來 ,因而找到了樹火紀念紙博物館,共同探訪歷經60年風霜的樹火母企業     也是台灣僅存的純手工紙製造者─長春棉紙廠。保留全台最後四槽的純手工抄紙槽,以一天500張的產量維持延續著,逐漸沒落的手工紙產業,其實正面臨著殘酷的困境。「最怕聽到人家說,一定要好好珍惜手工紙,其實能讓手工紙延續下去的唯一辦法,就是要持續的使用它啊!」來自工廠的心聲給了我們21選紙的想法,紀念雙方21週年之際,就從介紹台灣在地的好紙開始,期待台灣的用紙人能有更廣闊的視野去發現並使用在地好紙。







The Journey of Paper        Serial Exhibition

In commemoration of its 21st anniversary, Suho collaborated with books.com.tw for a special project. The limited paper collection, "Fine Writing Papers" featuring 21 types of selected papers for different types of writing styles. Together we explored Taiwan's remaining papermaking factory, Chang Chuen Cotton Paper Mill located in Nantou County's Puli Township. Hoping we could share with you the story of paper and also continue appreciating its existence.



Perspectives of Writing



In commemoration of its 21st anniversary, Suho and books.com.tw coincided to explore a handmade paper factory, Chang Chuen Cotton Paper Mill located in Nantou County's Puli Township. It not only has consistently produced handmade paper for over 60 years, but it is also Suho's parent company. Facing the decline of the handmade paper industry, it is an extremely tough time for the handmade paper factory. It holds the very last four hand papermaking vats in Taiwan and is still producing 500 sheets of handmade paper everyday till now. This is why Suho had an idea of selecting 21 papers for this collaboration, wishing to propagate the idea of appreciating Taiwan handmade papers through the topic of writing. Suho selected a wide range of papers that are suitable for writing, such as both handmade and machine-made, from locally to internationally made papers. This selection also includes three special types of papers which were limited editions 30 years ago hence cannot be found anywhere else.
We also give special thanks to the following artists and designers, including traditional Chinese calligrapher Tu Chung-Kao, Western calligraphy instructor Daphne and illustrator Yeh I-Ying to join us on the ride, sharing their own experiences of using paper in an artistic perspective.  
We wish we could be a platform for younger generations to realize the beauty of paper produced in Taiwan. Furthermore, to understand that paper is truly indispensable not just for writing in our lives…it's everywhere!