26 objects x 26 papers  - 詹 雨 樹 個 展






26年過去,樹火已是變裝後的模樣,回到職涯出發點的藝術家,也累積了全新的創作經驗和成長養分。以紙為共通語言,26 Objects x 26 Papers,是一段情誼的象徵里程碑,更是一段全新創作旅程的起點。






26 objects x 26 papers  |  Raintree Chan Solo Exhibition 


Twenty-six years ago, the artist Raintree Chan took part in the preparation of Suho Memorial Paper Museum. It was this time that he started the first job in his career and also his collage art with paper. Twenty-six years later, Chan came back to SUHO. He’s going to create twenty-six pieces of collage works inspired by twenty-six characters in memory of the cherish time with SUHO.

In this exhibition, twenty-six paper pieces from “ Adventure” to” Zine”, from graphic to installation art, some of them pay tribute to Japanese artists, and some of them are inspired by Chan’s representative creative course. Each key word extend part of his life in the paper collage creation, in order to inspire viewers to connect the coherence between art works with their eyes through the process of finding.