佈展公告 ◆



The special exhibition space on the second floor of this museum will undergo

exhibition setup from April 29 (Mon.) to May 10 (Fri.), 2024.

During this period, the museum will remain open as usual.










《紙心》The Heart of Paper






這次跨界合作實驗中,ZÁBU 試圖拿掉人類對紙的所有利用,重塑自己的姿態。紙心,發生在咖啡被濾紙過濾的同時,濾紙將有機會卸下既有的任務,如底片般記錄著所有因為咖啡相關的連結。




本次特展中,樹火向鑽研咖啡二十多年的咖啡文藝老店ZÁBU提出邀請與提問,希望從咖啡師眼中探索紙張的美。為此,ZÁBU兩位主理人藍大為(Blue)與劉于禎(Gray)協力, 首次從造紙技術源頭的認識與實驗開始進行創作,嘗試穿越咖啡道,探討紙與咖啡之間的關係。他體察到自身追溯事物本源的心意,探索紙作為記憶裝置的角色,記錄下所有經過它的形色光影,並在解構與重構中還原出開放、有機運行、非完美的未知美。






20年的咖啡文藝老店,經營發展自家咖啡烘豆品牌、咖啡相關商品,咖啡技術調教與職業訓練;過程中依然緊繫著藝術、工藝進入意識型態,擺脫咖啡產業既有的客觀詮釋方式,也油然而生自有的陶製咖啡器皿。ZÁBU 時常舉辦具有儀式感以及創作型體驗,例如以咖啡、藝術為核心,透過感官引導沈浸式的演譯。





SUHO has long fostered paper culture and education in Taiwan, and is soon to enter its 30th year in operation. In response to the far-reaching developments of today’s digital society, SUHO launches the "SUHO Cross-Border Collaboration Experimental Project.” In a series of exhibitions and performances, SUHO invites professionals from the paper and non-paper industries to get a taste of the material, testing the limitations of what paper is and is not. Through such experiments with paper, a medium often overlooked in our lives today, the program seeks to redefine the contemporary role of paper.

For the exhibition “The Heart of Paper,” Suho invites ZÁBU, a long-established coffee art and culture studio that has delved in coffee for over 20 years, to investigate and discover the beauty of paper through the eyes of a coffee master. Taking the techniques of paper-making as the starting point for experimentation, ZÁBU explores the relationship between paper and coffee. They place coffee beans at the heart of their research in an attempt to unfold the interconnections of paper and coffee. The exhibition invites the audience on a journey through states of extreme darkness and desolation to draw near to the origin of the world.